• Mon - Sat 9.00 - 18.00
  • 7679 Highway 287 North Townsend, Montana
  • +1 406 266 7008

Import Duties

Import taxes, duties and fees charged by countries around the world

Import to country HS commodity code MFN duty rate Sales tax Additional duties & taxes
Andorra 8703.22.9000 10% 4.5%
Argentina 8703.22.90900K 35% 21%
  • Statistical fee (0.5% CIF)
Australia 8703.22.9080 5% 10%
  • Import Processing Charge (AU$40.20)
  • Luxury Car Tax (33% * (10 / 11) * (Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges + GST – 60316))
Austria 8703.22.9000 10% 20%
Bahrain 8703.22.90 5% No sales tax
Bangladesh 8703.22.11 25% 15%
  • Supplementary Duty (SD) (45% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
  • Regulatory Duty (RD) (5% (Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges + Supplementary Duty (SD)))
  • Advance Trade VAT (4% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
  • AIT(Advance Income Tax) (5% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
Belgium 8703.22.9000 10% 21%
Botswana 8703.22.907 25% 12%
Brazil 8703.22.90 35% Depends on province
  • Airport fee (50% (Storage fee + Handling fee))
  • Storage fee (1% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
  • Handling fee (BRL0.015 per KG)
  • Declaration fee (BRL30.00)
  • IPI (40% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
  • PIS PASEP COFINS tax ((9.25% (CIF * (1 + ICMS%) * (Duty% + IPI% * (1 + Duty%)))) / (0.9075 * (1 – ICMS%)))
Bulgaria 8703.22.9000 10% 20%
Canada 8703.22.0020 6.1% Depends on province
  • Excise (CA$60.00 per piece)
Canary Islands 8703.22.9000 10% 9.5%
Chile 8703.22.99 6% 19%
  • Classification Charge (1% CIF)
China 8703.22.3001 25% 17%
  • Consumption tax (3% (Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges / (100 – 3)))
Colombia 8703.22.9090 35% 16%
Costa Rica 8703.22.6993 0% 13%
  • Consumption tax (83% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
  • Law 6946 (National Emergency Law) (1% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
  • GE (Vat on estimated earnings) (25% (Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges + Consumption tax + Law 6946 (National Emergency Law)))
Croatia 8703.22.9000 10% 25%
Cyprus 8703.22.9000 10% 19%
Czech Republic 8703.22.9000 10% 21%
Denmark 8703.22.9000 10% 25%
Dominican Republic 8703.22.99 20% 18%
  • Exchange Surcharge (13% CIF)
Ecuador 8703.22.9090 40% 12%
  • FodInfa (Children development fund) (0.5% CIF)
  • ICE (Consumption Tax) (0% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
Egypt 8703.22.90 40% 15%
Estonia 8703.22.9000 10% 20%
Finland 8703.22.9000 10% 24%
France 8703.22.9000 10% 20%
French Guiana 8703.22.9000 10% No sales tax
  • Excise (23%)
Germany 8703.22.9000 10% 19%
Greece 8703.22.9000 10% 23%
Guadeloupe 8703.22.9000 10% 8.5%
  • Excise (9.5%)
Guatemala 8703.22.69 0% 12%
Guernsey 8703.22.9000 10% No sales tax
Hong Kong 8703.22.40 0% No sales tax
Hungary 8703.22.9000 10% 27%
India 8703.22.91 125% No sales tax
  • Landing charges (1% CIF)
  • Countervailing duty (24% (Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges + Landing charges))
  • CESS (3% (Duty + Countervailing duty))
  • Additional Countervailing Duty (4% (Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges + Landing charges + Countervailing duty + CESS))
Indonesia 8703.22.1910 40% 10%
  • Income tax (7.5% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
Ireland 8703.22.9000 10% 23%
Isle of Man 8703.22.9000 10% 20%
Israel 8703.22.90 7% 18%
  • Import port fee (US$50.31 Import port fee if weight more 50 kg per shipment)
Italy 8703.22.9000 10% 22%
Japan 8703.22.000 0% 8%
Jersey 8703.22.9000 10% 5%
Jordan 8703.22.90 0% 16%
Kuwait 8703.22.90 5% No sales tax
Latvia 8703.22.9000 10% 21%
Lesotho 8703.22.907 25% 14%
Liechtenstein 8703.22.00 0% + CHF12.00 per 100 kg 8%
Lithuania 8703.22.9000 10% 21%
Luxembourg 8703.22.9000 10% 15%
Macau 8703.22.00 0% No sales tax
Malaysia 8703.22.942 30% 10%
  • Excise (60%)
Malta 8703.22.9000 10% 18%
Martinique 8703.22.9000 10% 8.5%
  • Excise (9.5%)
Mexico 8703.22.01 20% 16%
  • DTA (0.8% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
Monaco 8703.22.9000 10% 20%
Morocco 8703.22.8800 17.5% 20%
  • Parafiscal tax (0.25% CIF)
Namibia 8703.22.907 25% 15%
Netherlands 8703.22.9000 10% 21%
New Zealand 8703.22.1009K 10% 15%
  • Import entry transaction fee (NZ$46.89)
Nigeria 8703.22.1917 20% 5%
Norway 8703.22.09 0% 25%
  • Other import fee (NOK386.10 per g + NOK140.00 per pcs)
Oman 8703.22.90 5% No sales tax
Pakistan 8703.22.90 60% 17%
Panama 8703.22.29 0% 7%
  • ISC (Consumption tax) (12% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
Peru 8703.22.9090 6% 16%
  • Excise (0%)
  • Additional fee (0% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
  • Municipal tax (2% (Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges + Excise + Tariff surcharge))
Philippines 8703.22.99 30% 12%
Poland 8703.22.9000 10% 23%
Portugal 8703.22.9000 10% 23%
Puerto Rico 8703.22.0000 2.5% 7.25%
Qatar 8703.22.90 5% No sales tax
Reunion 8703.22.9000 10% 8.5%
  • Excise (18%)
Romania 8703.22.9000 10% 24%
Russian Federation 8703.22.9098 25%, subject to minimum of €0.50 per cm3 18%
  • Excise (RUR214.00 per hp)
San Marino 8703.22.9000 10% No sales tax
Saudi Arabia 8703.22.90 5% No sales tax
Singapore 8703.22.19 0% 7%
  • Excise (20%)
Slovakia 8703.22.9000 10% 20%
Slovenia 8703.22.9000 10% 22%
South Africa 8703.22.907 25% 14%
South Korea 8703.22.8000 10% 10%
  • Education tax (30% (Special consumption tax, or Liquor tax, or Interior tax, whichever is applicable))
  • Special tax for rural development (10% Special consumption tax)
  • Special consumption tax (5% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
Spain 8703.22.9000 10% 21%
Sri Lanka 8703.22.89 30% 12%
  • Excise (92%)
  • PAL (Ports and Airport Levy) (5% CIF)
Swaziland 8703.22.907 25% 14%
Sweden 8703.22.9000 10% 25%
Switzerland 8703.22.00 0% + CHF12.00 per 100 kg 8%
Taiwan 8703.22.90009 17.5% 5%
  • Commodity tax (25% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
  • Trade promotion fee (0.04% CIF)
Thailand 8703.22.19000 80% 7%
Turkey 8703.22.101000 10% 1%
  • Special consumption tax (37% Cost, Insurance, Freight and Pier or Docking charges)
United Arab Emirates 8703.22.90 5% No sales tax
United Kingdom 8703.22.9000 10% 20%
United States 8703.22.0000 2.5% Depends on state
  • Merchandise Processing Fee
Venezuela 8703.22.9090 40% 12%
Vietnam 8703.22.19 70% 10%
  • Special sales tax (45)